Colombia Café Granja La Esperanza Juanambu


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Cupping notes

Panela (the barely processed block of brown sugar so synonymous to Colombian trips), light jasmine and buckets of red fruits – raspberry, redcurrant, a touch of hibiscus make a super juicy, classic Narino profile cup.


Juanambu comes to us though our association with Cafe Granja La Esperanza, and their association with Association Narino; it’s an exemplary coffee from the region.

The cherries are picked at the precise ripeness to guarantee an optimal level of sugar. Small producers have artisan equipment for the depulping process, which is done without water. Fermentation time for this coffee ranges between 19 and 22 hours.

Once coffee has been fully washed, is it naturally and mechanically dried. The temperature is closely monitored and ranges between 35°C and 45°C. The final humidity percentage is around 10.5%.

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