Our Coffee

FACT - There is around 50-70mg of caffine in a single espresso shot.

Wooden Hill source Fairtrade, Direct Trade and Speciality coffee from trusted and ethical sources around the world.

FACT - It's not a bean its a SEED!!

FACT - Our decaf is decaffeinated using the "swiss Water Process" 100%chemical free (and tastes like the real stuff!)

Roasting & Packing
We roast, blend and pack all our coffee on site, using reusable airtight containers or compostable packaging.
We personally deliver our coffee in reusable airtight tubs or compostable bags, avoiding any excess cardboard waste.

Enjoy it your way!
"The old wooden hill was the old wooden stairs
and Bedfordshire of course where I knelt to say my prayers
Climbing up the wooden hill to bedfordshire
They were happy happy days for me"
- Vera Lynn

Trees are Good
Just one single mature tree can absorb 22 kilos of carbon dioxide in a year and release enough oygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings.
Our Focus.
The core of our business is our well known Wooden Hill House blend. This is a blend of Fairtrade coffees from Central and South America, consistently roasted to the same degree time and time again. Our house blend medium roasted, with notes of chocolate and caramel and pleasant aromas of almond.
We also have a fantastic range of direct trade and speciality coffee we would love you to try.

We are proud to be able to offer a beautiful blend of coffee that has been decaffeinated using the friendlier Swiss Water Process, 100% Chemical free decaffeination. Also available in 1kg and 250g bags as beans or ground.